Update to 1.6

Version 1.6 of platformer+ doesn't add any new major features, but rather is about making things more optimized under the hood. That can have big repercussions when working with the limited resources of the GameBoy.

To give you a rough estimate of the difference, the default platform engine in GBStudio uses about 33-35% of the GameBoy CPU when standing idle. Adding new features over the last iterations had increased that to 41-42% in Platformer+ 1.51. In 1.6, that percentage is back down to 37-38%. It's not quite as low as the default engine, but it's much closer! Those savings show up when the player is in action as well.

Additionally, this version fixes a number of small bugs that cropped up in v1.51 around moving platforms.

Finally, there is now a new variable you can store with the Store Platformer+ Fields event: que_state. This variable tells you what state the player will be in during the next frame. You can compare it to the current state to determine if the player is on the last frame of a state.


PlatformerPlus-v1.6.zip 18 kB
Jan 15, 2023
PlatformerCamera.zip 2 kB
Jan 15, 2023
PlatformerGravity.zip 9 kB
Jan 15, 2023

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