Bug fixes and other small stuff

This new version just adds a few quality of life improvements, fixes a few bugs, and does some optimization under the hood.

Quality of life stuff:

- You can now have infinite double-jumps (set the value to max, ie. 255)
- You can now turn off the feature that makes the player face different directions in the air.


- Fixed some bugs with the animation system (resetting animations while jumping, wall slide problems if the min vel was too low, switching directions when slippery running).
- Fixed some issues with solid actors when their dimensions were larger than 16x16
- Fixed an issue with dashing into solid actors
- Fixed an issue with dashing through walls, where a larger player sprite could land on a single wall tile.


PlatformerPlus-v1.42.zip 151 kB
Oct 23, 2022

Get GBStudio Platformer Plus

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